Mobile Market

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Between 2020-2023, 4 Osprey operationalized and fully funded the organic, locally grown food distributed, free of charge, to underserved neighborhoods in Champaign-Urbana through the Mobile Market, a collaborative community service made possible by Carle and CU City Farms/4 Osprey. A full-sized bus, the Mobile Market rotates through 3 key neighborhoods each week. After helping to launch this critical and highly successful collaboration (over 20,000 pounds of free, organic, and locally grown food were distributed), Carle Health is now solely operating the Mobile Market.

4 Osprey offers deep thanks to its many donors and volunteers who made this collaboration possible. We offer a special thanks to key partners who helped to operationalize the Mobile Market while donating fresh produce: Sola Gratia Farm, Prosperity Gardens, Ann Swanson of Fowler Farm, and CU Public Health District.  

To access the Mobile Market schedule, go to

Mobile Market Sponsors:

Community Foundation of East Central Illinois

Healthy Babies Bright Futures and the Mayors Innovation Project

Karin Maher Fund

United Way of Champaign County